Legotron CARY NORTON |
While our post title might be a nod to
Jaques Tati's brilliant film Playtime - well worth tracking down for visual and aural intrigue - our playtime here refers to an array of 'toy' and plastic cameras on the market. Plastic cameras have a long and rich history from the simplicity of the
Diana with its limited technical capabilities yet endless creative potential. The
Holga is a close relative and can be used to make very long panoramic images like those of Maree Green or reworked to make images like those of
Tim Hixson. You can even buy cameras made from boxes, for example, the
Juice Box.
Taking playime a step further is
Cary Norton who has built a
Legotron 4x5 camera (pictured). Not only do we admire his inventive construction work, we're also in awe of the images that derive from experimentation with materials and photography. Not to be left behind Lego have produced their own digital camera which can be built into your Lego constructions while other
budding architects have been creating their own camera visions from some time. Possibility is endless. Experimentation is fruitful.